Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I met an interesting man the other day. I was sitting in the waiting area at my doctor's office and he entered the waiting room as well and smiled, as he looked into my face and stated "you have a pure heart". He told me his name was Ron and after awhile of rambling on and on to me about himself and his religious experiences, he finally sat down next to me. Since I am a therapist, this sort of thing doesn't usually bother me - I meet all kinds of people and am very accepting of "kookiness". I admit I only half listened to his rambling but with amusement enjoyed his delivery and the kindness he was exhibiting. He talked about the saints and miracles and his catholicism and most importantly, his relationship with God. Near the end of our encounter, right before I was being called back to my appointment, he handed me a card of Jesus carrying his cross - it's really very pretty, with a shiny gold border and a shiny gold halo around Christ's head. Then Ron said to me "God wants you to know that you worry way too much. You are a Mom, it's natural but God wants you to know not to worry". I kindly thanked Ron and wished him well and walked back to the exam room. As I sat there waiting for the doctor to arrive, Ron's kindness was on my mind. Do I think he was a kook? Who knows, and it didn't matter to me. I was not the doctor in this situation and he was not the patient. I was not evaluating him, I was just another person, making a brief but touching connection with him, and accepting the gift of encouragement he had to offer.
So, since then, his words ring in my mind. When I start to worry, I hear the voice of God, thru Ron saying "You worry too much!!!"I carry around the golden Jesus card and keep it in my appointment book. I pull it out and think of Ron at times, then I smile. I remember the kindness of a stranger. Isn't this what Christianity is all about anyway - It's about loving others, being kind, offering love and encouragement to one another. To me, it's not so much about the BIG things we do but the every day kindnesses we share. Mother Teresa said "We can do no great things, only small things with great love". Was this a synchronistic event meant to encourage me at a low moment? I like to think that it is. Thanks God, thanks Ron.

1 comment:

  1. Think on This ...Let no day then pass that ye do not speak a cheery and an encouraging word to someone! And ye will find thine own heart uplifted, thine own life opened, thy love appreciated, thy purposes understood. Edgar Cayce Reading all works, it all comes around full circle, I remember when I started following the "wise Words" Of Edgar Cayce, people were drawn to me for help, or understanding in the Spiritual sense, the words unspoken of Energy Medicine, your intent, healing the heart, healing the wounds with intent, My daughter said to me"Mom why do you go to that school?those people are crazy, they will think you are, you need to stay away" I think she still doesn't "get it" but thats Ok, we are not here to judge just offer love, compassion and caring and send forgiveness to the situation, you don't NEED to face them just send them or the situation "FOREGIVENESS" in time it will heal and so will you on whatever level, spiritual, physical, mental or emotional in whatever plane, it will be healed.I am religious, but I am also Spiritual and work with my hands,I have seen and felt things that can't be explained but I believe,in the Spiritual and Nature realm of things we look at things from a different prospective, things you cant understand but just "Know"God has a way of helping the situation along sometimes, call it fate or accident or circumstance...but there are NO Accidents, it took me years to figure it outbut the light came on and I understood, we all will in our own time in the Synchronicity of Life, I am grateful to share my opportunity in this Life with you, May you be at peace with loving kindness and forgiveness on your path...
    PS...You are as happy as you make up your mind to be~Enjoy, Live, Love , Laugh you'll never get this moment back, this is my first try at anything like this....sign me~"The Bird of Paradise"
